About Us
Please "click" on any 'thumbnail' image to go to the artist and then to access images of her work.
You will see thumbnails of all her work and then by clicking on any image, will see an enlarged image and can start a slide show of all images.
During the slideshow, please use the controls at the foot of each image to pause the slides, move to the next, or previous, slide or return to the index page of all the 'thumbnails'.
Click on the icon in the top left to go to the Home Page
Our Story
Eileen Beales
Chris Bojan
Chris Bonnett
Ann Brown
Wendy Greene
Sharne Gregory
Karen Ives
Rita Johnson
Tabatha Mitchel-Simons
Dot Reed
Yvonne Romain
Jane Roskrow
Elizabeth Taylor
Sheila Warner
Gelli Printing Workshop 2022
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