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Ann Brown
OTT work created by Ann Brown.
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Cassandra Caterpillar
Cynthia Caterpillar
Sybill Snail
Majorca Blues I
Knit Stitch - Alice (Doll)
Knit Stitch - Hatta
Knit Stitch - Alice Dreaming on Display
Knit Stitch - Chesh
Knit Stitch - Harra
Knit Stitch - Harra (Detail)
Shelf Life - Tourist Trap
Homage to Frida I
Homage to Frida II
Egyptian Pattern - Cat
Egyptian Pattern - Cat Close Up
Cat Detail 1
Cat Detail 2
Egyptian Pattern - Jackal
Jackal Detail 1
Jackal Detail 2
Egyptian Pattern - Jackal Close Up
Jackal Detail 3
Goblin Doll
Goblin Detail 1
Goblin Detail 2
Project for Exhibition 2008 - Walk like an Egyptian
Light and Colour II
Light and Colour III
Light and Colour IV
Light and Colour V
Project for exhibition 2006 - A Kite for Gaudi
Lillies I
Lillies II
Project for exhibition 2004 - Wendy
Serafina Pekkala Witch doll
Spanish Islands - Fuerte
Spanish Islands - Ses Solinas
Generated by jAlbum, Saturn skin
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